Hot off the press! Recent publication by Dr. Haraldsen on correlation dynamics for the enhancement of electronic signals to identify serial biomolecules and DNA bases. Below is the abstract.
Nanopore-based sequencing has demonstrated a significant potential for
the development of fast, accurate, and cost-efficient fingerprinting
techniques for next generation molecular detection and sequencing. We
propose a specific multilayered graphene-based nanopore device
architecture for the recognition of single biomolecules. Molecular
detection and analysis can be accomplished through the detection of
transverse currents as the molecule or DNA base translocates through the
nanopore. To increase the overall signal-to-noise ratio and the
accuracy, we implement a new 'multi-point cross-correlation' technique
for identification of DNA bases or other molecules on the single
molecular level. We demonstrate that the cross-correlations between each
nanopore will greatly enhance the transverse current signal for each
molecule. We implement first-principles transport calculations for DNA
bases surveyed across a multilayered graphene nanopore system to
illustrate the advantages of the proposed geometry. A time-series
analysis of the cross-correlation functions illustrates the potential of
this method for enhancing the signal-to-noise ratio. This work
constitutes a significant step forward in facilitating fingerprinting of
single biomolecules using solid state technology.
The full paper can be found at