On May 15 2014, the JMU Undergraduate Students Harkirat Mann and Brian Lang, doing research with Dr. Scarel, presented the research on “Infrared and
thermoelectric power generation in thin atomic layer deposited thermoelectric films” at the 92th Annual Meeting of
the Virginia Academy of Science held at the Virginia
Commonwealth University in Richmond (VA). The work was performed in collaboration with J.-P. Niemelä and M. Karppinen of Aalto University in Finland. The same day, 8 time zones away, at the Russian Academy Of Sciences in Nizhny Novgorod (Russia), Dr. Scarel presented “Infrared
power generation: basic phenomena and engineering through materials properties”. In the picture on the right, Dr. Scarel is in Nizhny Novgorod next to the monument to Nikolay Bogolyubov, a famous russian physicist who made important contribution in Statistiacal Mechanics.