Monday, October 05, 2015

A New Face in the Stockroom

The Department welcomes Jacob Brown as the new Lab Manager and successor to the now retired Art Fovargue.  While Jacob has been around the full student body for only a month, he is already greatly impressed by the energy, friendliness, and professionalism of the physics majors.  “A lot of the students have been open… and I’ve gotten to know a few by name and also what research they’re doing,” says Jacob, who feels like the community has taken him in since day one.

Jacob enjoys how much more energy there is in the academic community than the private industry, much of which comes from the dynamic pace of week to week lab schedules.  While he’s cautious to make sure the labs works properly, Jacob is very much eager to perform hands-on experiments across a wide array of physical topics.  He also takes full advantage of the “educational opportunities” provided by the department, be it seminars or just talking with students and faculty about their fields of research.

            Although Jacob had a peak interest in Environmental Physics after undergrad, his advice for students going into the private sector is anything but narrow.  “One thing good for me was to try some different career categories,” says Jacob, who advises that having a “broadened experience” will lead to a much more fulfilling career than otherwise.  “Look at a lot of options… Take what interests you more than what pays more.  You’ll contribute a lot of your life to this work.”  Jacob also suggests that during interviews, prospective employees should “make the interview a comfortable atmosphere… not just a drill…  Be sure to convey to the employer your energy and genuine interest in the company.”  Lastly, Jacob strongly suggests applicants always “overdress for an interview….  I was always surprised at how much this affected [employers’] perceptions of candidates.”

            You can find Jacob in the Stockroom (PHYS 2354) office, where the door is always open for science and good company.