Monday, December 28, 2015

New paper .......

On November 27, 2015 the World Journal of Condensed Matter Physics published a new article: "A.L. Gordon, Y. Schwab, B.N. Lang, G.P. Gearhart, T.R. Jobin, J.M. Kaczmar, Z.J. Marinelli, H.S. Mann, B.C. Utter, and G. Scarel, Decoupling the electrical and entropic contributions to energy transfer from infrared radiation to a power generator”.  World J. Cond. Matter Phys. vol. 5, 301-318 (2015)".  Aidan Gordon, Tara. Jobin, Justin Kaczmar, and Zach Marinelli currently are undergraduate students at JMU.  Yosyp Schwab, Brian Lang, Graham Gearhart, and Harkirat Mann graduated in May 2015.  Aidan and Yosyp contributed to modeling.  Brian, Graham, Tara, Justin and Zach performed countless data analysis.  Harkirat, Brian and Zach played a key role in setting up the experiments ......   The figure below shows one of the most significant finding: when infrared radiation hits a thermoelectric device coverd with colored tape the open voltage produced by the device is twice that generated without tape!  Such effect is absent when the thermoelectric device is activated with energy transferred from a resistor through Joule heating.  This finding supports the claim in the title!